
darfix.tests.utils.createDataset(data, filter_data=False, header=None, _dir=None, in_memory=True, backend='hdf5')[source]#

Create a dataset from a configuration

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – Images to form the data.

  • dark_frames (numpy.ndarray) – Images to form the dark frames.

  • filter_data (bool) – If True, the dataset created will divide the data between the ones with no intensity (or very low) and the others.

  • header (Union[None,array_like]) – List with a header per frame. If None, no header is added.

  • _dir (str or None) – Directory to save the temporary files.

  • backend (str) – can be ‘edf’ or ‘hdf5’ according to the data format we want to save the dataset to

:return Dataset: generated instance of Dataset.