HDF5 scans concatenation ======================== .. image:: icons/concatenate_hdf5.svg This widget allows to concatenate a series of scans **from the same file** into a single HDF5 group. Signals ------- **Outputs**: - output_file: output file containing the concatenated HDF5 group Description ----------- Will concatenate a series of scans together. For now, only the detector dataset and the positioners - metadata group will be concatenated into output groups / datasets Demo ---- .. video:: http://www.silx.org/pub/doc/darfix/video/data_input/concatenate_hdf5_scans.webm :width: 500 Tutorial -------- 1. Add the widget to the canvas and / or open the interface ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. image:: img/hdf5_scans_concatenation/add_widget.png :width: 500 px 2. Select the file containing the scans to be concatenated together ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' It will update the list of scans that can be concatenated. .. image:: img/hdf5_scans_concatenation/select_file.png :width: 500 px .. warning:: the concatenation expects all HDF5 root groups to have the same layout. It also expects scans to be named '1.x', '2.y'... .. hint:: If the 'auto update' checkbox (available from the advanced settings) is active, then the output file name will be automatically deduced. If you want to provide it manually please uncheck _Auto update_ 3. Select the scans to be concatenated '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If you don't want to concatenate all scans you can select / unselect some .. image:: img/hdf5_scans_concatenation/select_scans.png :width: 500 px 4. validate ''''''''''' Once you are happy with the selection, you can validate by clicking on `Ok`. This will launch the concatenation and trigger downstream widgets. Usually after having run the concatenation, you want to run the :ref:`HDF5 data selection` widget. You can connect the two together. Advanced options ---------------- You can access the advanced options from the settings level menu .. figure:: img/settings_level_menu.gif Settings level From the advanced settings you can provide * *output file* and option to *overwrite* if exists .. warning:: by default the option is to overwrite the output file. If 'auto update' is selected then the output file name will be updated automatically when the input file is given. (input_file.h5 -> input_file_darfix_concat.h5) * *detector data path*: location to the detector. The default value should fit bliss files. You can modify it if you like. See :ref:`Data path pattern` for details. The example line solves the 'pattern' from the HDF5 root entry. If it succeeds, it will also provide a 'direct' feedback to know if the data path can be found (green) or not (red) from the file (and first file entry). .. figure:: img/data_path_feedback.gif Data path selection feedback * *metadata group path*: (positioners): location to the HDF5 group containing positioners information. Used for example to define dataset dimensions from motors. You can modify it like the `detector data path` (see above).