Data path pattern """"""""""""""""" Users can define HDF5 data path from patterns. Patterns can contains one or several keyword that will be resolved automatically. Existing keywords are: * `{detector}`: if provided then a detector dataset (or group) will be search from the upstream path. * constraint: must be at the end of the pattern * use cases: scan concatenation and HDF5 scan selection * `{scan}`: 'wildcard' for first entry of a HDF5 file. * constraint: must be at the beginning of the pattern * `{first_scan}`: pick the first entry of a HDF5 file * constraint: must be at the beginning of the pattern * note: was not sure if this is a good idea / helping the user. Anyway this is cost-less to have. If unused we will remove it. * `{last_scan}`: pick the last entry of a HDF5 file * constraint: must be at the beginning of the pattern * note: was not sure if this is a good idea / helping the user. Anyway this is cost-less to have. If unused we will remove it.