Source code for darfix.core.datapathfinder

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import h5py
from typing import Optional

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DETECTOR_KEYWORD = r"{detector}"
SCAN_KEYWORD = r"{scan}"
FIRST_SCAN_KEYWORD = r"{first_scan}"
LAST_SCAN_KEYWORD = r"{last_scan}"


[docs]class UnsolvablePatternError(ValueError): """Exception raised when a pattern cannot be solved by the DataPathFinder""" pass
[docs]class DataPathFinder: """Util class to format path from a provided pattern At the moment it allows the following keywords: * {scan}: will replace the '{scan}' by an HDF5 first level group name * {first_scan}: will replace the '{first_scan}' by the first HDF5 group of the list * {last_scan}: will replace the '{last_scan}' by the first HDF5 group of the list * {detector}: will try to detect automatically the dataset to be used as detector """ def __init__( self, file_: str | h5py.File, pattern: str, filter_entries: tuple | None = None, allowed_keywords: tuple = EXISTING_KEYWORDS, ) -> None: self.allowed_keywords = allowed_keywords self._can_be_solved = None self._file = file_ assert pattern is not None, "pattern must be defined" self._initial_pattern = pattern self._solved_pattern = None self._filter_entries = filter_entries self._update_solved_pattern() @property def file(self) -> str | h5py.File: return self._file @file.setter def file(self, file: str | None): if file is not None and not isinstance(file, str): raise TypeError(f"file is expected to be None or a str. Get {file}") self._file = file self._update_solved_pattern() @property def pattern(self) -> str: return self._initial_pattern @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern: str): assert pattern is not None self._initial_pattern = pattern self._update_solved_pattern() @property def allowed_keywords(self) -> tuple: return self._allowed_keywords @allowed_keywords.setter def allowed_keywords(self, keywords: tuple): for keyword in keywords: if keyword not in EXISTING_KEYWORDS: raise ValueError( f"keyword {keyword} is invalid. Valid values are {EXISTING_KEYWORDS}" ) self._allowed_keywords = keywords @property def can_be_solved(self) -> bool: return self._can_be_solved
[docs] def format( self, scan: str | None, first_scan: str | None, last_scan: str | None ) -> str | None: """Once the class is instanciated we can call the 'format' function to replace keywords by the scan, first_scan, last_scan values """ if not self._can_be_solved: return None if ( scan is not None and SCAN_KEYWORD in self._solved_pattern and SCAN_KEYWORD in self.allowed_keywords ): return self._solved_pattern.format(scan=scan) if ( first_scan is not None and FIRST_SCAN_KEYWORD in self._solved_pattern and FIRST_SCAN_KEYWORD in self.allowed_keywords ): return self._solved_pattern.format(first_scan=first_scan) if ( last_scan is not None and LAST_SCAN_KEYWORD in self._solved_pattern and LAST_SCAN_KEYWORD in self.allowed_keywords ): return self._solved_pattern.format(last_scan=last_scan) else: return self._solved_pattern
[docs] @staticmethod def format_str_for_scans_keywords( my_str: str, scan: str | None, first_scan: str | None, last_scan: str | None ): keyword_mapping = { FIRST_SCAN_KEYWORD: first_scan, LAST_SCAN_KEYWORD: last_scan, SCAN_KEYWORD: scan, } format_args = dict( filter( lambda a: a[0] in my_str, keyword_mapping.items(), ) ) try: return my_str.format( **{ key.lstrip("{").rstrip("}"): value for key, value in format_args.items() } ) except ValueError as e: raise UnsolvablePatternError(e)
def _update_solved_pattern(self): """ create a '_solved_pattern' from the `_initial_pattern` to allow .format to be called on it. """ if self.file is None: self._solved_pattern = None return else: self._can_be_solved = True self._solved_pattern = self._solve_pattern(pattern=self._initial_pattern) def _solve_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> str: """ update the pattern to solve all the different keywords like '{detector}'... Return the solved pattern """ assert pattern is not None, "pattern shoudn't be None" if ( DETECTOR_KEYWORD not in pattern or DETECTOR_KEYWORD not in self.allowed_keywords ): solve_detector = False elif pattern.endswith(DETECTOR_KEYWORD): solve_detector = True pattern = pattern.replace(DETECTOR_KEYWORD, "") else: solve_detector = False self._can_be_solved = False raise UnsolvablePatternError( r"'{detector}' can only be placed a the end of the data path" ) if isinstance(self._file, h5py.File): pattern = self._solve_keywords( self._file, my_pattern=pattern, solve_detector=solve_detector ) else: with h5py.File(self._file, mode="r") as h5f: pattern = self._solve_keywords( h5f, my_pattern=pattern, solve_detector=solve_detector ) return pattern def _solve_keywords( self, h5f_input: h5py.Group, my_pattern: str, solve_detector: bool ): """check of the pattern can be solved and solve all keywords one by one""" first_scan = get_first_group(h5f_input, filter_keys=self._filter_entries) last_scan = get_last_group(h5f_input, filter_keys=self._filter_entries) if first_scan is None or last_scan is None: raise UnsolvablePatternError( f"the given file ({h5f_input.file.filename}) does not contain any group that can be considered as scan entry" ) if solve_detector: # solve '{detector}' path_to_detector_data = self.format_str_for_scans_keywords( my_str=my_pattern, scan=first_scan, first_scan=first_scan, last_scan=last_scan, ) detector_group = h5f_input.get(path_to_detector_data, default=None) if detector_group is None: self._can_be_solved = False raise UnsolvablePatternError( f"Unable to find detector root group ({path_to_detector_data}) in the file ({h5f_input.file.filename})" ) detector_dataset = self.find_detector_dataset( group=detector_group, ) if detector_dataset is None: raise UnsolvablePatternError( f"Unable to find any detector in {path_to_detector_data}" ) else:"First found detector is {}") # if '{scan}' keyword requested move back from 'real' path to 'pattern file' if SCAN_KEYWORD in my_pattern and SCAN_KEYWORD in self.allowed_keywords: my_pattern = self.from_found_detector_dataset_to_pattern(, scan_path=first_scan, ) else: my_pattern = return my_pattern test_on_first_scan = self.format_str_for_scans_keywords( my_str=my_pattern, scan=first_scan, first_scan=first_scan, last_scan=last_scan, ) assert isinstance(test_on_first_scan, str) self._can_be_solved = test_on_first_scan in h5f_input return my_pattern
[docs] @staticmethod def find_detector_dataset( group: h5py.Group, check_nexus_metadata: bool | None = None ) -> Optional[h5py.Dataset]: """ browse all datasets / groups in the group and return the dataset the most likely to be the detector dataset. :param group: HDF5 group containing all elements to check. :param check_nexus_metadata: policy regarding checking possible metadata. * If True will return the first 'data' dataset contained in a group identified as an 'NXdetector' and being 3D. * If False will return the first 3D dataset found (can be in a sub group if named 'data') * If None then will look first for detector with nexus metadata else without """ if not isinstance(group, h5py.Group): raise ValueError( f"group is expected to be an instance of {h5py.Group}. Get {type(group)}" ) if check_nexus_metadata is None: return DataPathFinder.find_detector_dataset( group=group, check_nexus_metadata=True ) or DataPathFinder.find_detector_dataset( group=group, check_nexus_metadata=False ) for name in group.keys(): elmt = group.get(name) detector_dataset = DataPathFinder.get_detector( elmt=elmt, check_nexus_metadata=check_nexus_metadata ) if detector_dataset is not None: return detector_dataset return None
[docs] @staticmethod def check_is_a_3d_dataset(dataset: h5py.Dataset | h5py.Group): return ( dataset is not None and isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset) and dataset.ndim == 3 )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_detector( elmt: h5py.Dataset | h5py.Group, check_nexus_metadata: bool ) -> Optional[h5py.Dataset]: if check_nexus_metadata: # check for nexus compliant detector if ( isinstance(elmt, h5py.Group) and elmt.attrs.get("NX_class", None) == "NXdetector" ): data_dataset = elmt.get("data", None) if DataPathFinder.check_is_a_3d_dataset(dataset=data_dataset): return data_dataset else: return None else: # check root level dataset if isinstance(elmt, h5py.Dataset): if DataPathFinder.check_is_a_3d_dataset(dataset=elmt): return elmt else: assert isinstance( elmt, h5py.Group ), f"elmt is expected to be a HDF5 Group. Got type({elmt})" # check possible 'data' dataset contained in groups data_dataset = elmt.get("data", None) if DataPathFinder.check_is_a_3d_dataset(dataset=data_dataset): return data_dataset
[docs] @staticmethod def from_found_detector_dataset_to_pattern(detector_dataset: str, scan_path: str): """ Recreate the 'detector_dataset' pattern like '/{scan}/path/to/detectors/groups/detector' from the path of the detector for a specific entry ("scan_path") 'existing' pattern like '/{scan}/path/to/detectors/groups/detector/data' or '/{scan}/path/to/detectors/groups/detector_data' """ if not isinstance(detector_dataset, str): raise TypeError( f"detector_dataset should be a str. Get {type(detector_dataset)}" ) if not isinstance(scan_path, str): raise TypeError(f"scan_path should be a str. Get {type(scan_path)}") # get rid of possible initial '/' detector_dataset = detector_dataset.lstrip("/") scan_path = scan_path.lstrip("/") if not detector_dataset.startswith(scan_path): raise ValueError( f"'detector_dataset' ({detector_dataset}) should start by 'scan_path' ({scan_path})" ) # kind of a left replace based on '/' sections. As we tested the 'scan_path' starts the string it should always work scan_depth = len(scan_path.split("/")) # replace the scan_path by a '{scan}' pattern new_detector_dataset = "/".join(detector_dataset.split("/")[scan_depth:]) new_detector_dataset = "/".join((SCAN_KEYWORD, new_detector_dataset)) return new_detector_dataset
[docs]def sort_bliss_scan_entries(entries: tuple): """ Sort Bliss scans (x.y) according to their scan numbers and processed entries (`entry_xxxx`) according to their entry number. """ def get_entry_scan_num(entry_name): # concatenation resulting output entry name is "entry_0000" so let's handle this case. if entry_name.startswith("entry_"): return int(entry_name.lstrip("entry_")) # entries are expected to be given as x.y (bliss policy) return int(entry_name.lstrip("/").split(".")[0]) return sorted(entries, key=get_entry_scan_num)
def _get_next_group( h5f: h5py.Group | str, reverse_iteration: bool, filter_keys: tuple | None = None, as_hdf5_item: bool = False, ): """util to retrieve the first Group not in filtered_keys of a file.""" if as_hdf5_item and not isinstance(h5f, h5py.Group): raise TypeError( "To return the group as an hdf5 item you must provide hf5 as h5py.Group. Else returned group will be closed with the file." ) if filter_keys is not None: # remove the left '/' that can sometime bring troubles filter_keys = [filter_key.lstrip("/") for filter_key in filter_keys] def filter_not_group(root): try: entries = sort_bliss_scan_entries(root.keys()) except ValueError: _logger.error("Failed to order scans by indices. Take them 'unordered'") entries = root.keys() if reverse_iteration: key_iterator = list(entries) key_iterator.reverse() else: key_iterator = entries for key in key_iterator: if filter_keys is not None and key.lstrip("/") not in filter_keys: continue elmt = root.get(key) if isinstance(elmt, h5py.Group): if as_hdf5_item: return elmt else: return return None if isinstance(h5f, str): with h5py.File(h5f, mode="r") as root: return filter_not_group(root) else: return filter_not_group(h5f)
[docs]def get_first_group( h5f: h5py.Group | str, filter_keys: tuple | None = None, as_hdf5_item: bool = False ) -> str | None: return _get_next_group( h5f=h5f, filter_keys=filter_keys, reverse_iteration=False, as_hdf5_item=as_hdf5_item, )
[docs]def get_last_group( h5f: h5py.Group | str, filter_keys: tuple | None = None, as_hdf5_item: bool = False ) -> str | None: return _get_next_group( h5f=h5f, filter_keys=filter_keys, reverse_iteration=True, as_hdf5_item=as_hdf5_item, )